To meet the growing demand from Asian investors to trade US-listed equities during the Asian time zone, integrated financial house PhillipCapital and Japan’s SBI Group will create a trade matching platform, with which investors can trade over 100 US-listed stocks between 9am and 5pm Singapore time.
To develop and maintain the platform, a joint-venture company between PhillipCapital and SBI will be established in Singapore in the second quarter of 2022.
CQ TDT Asia, as PhillipCapital’s system development company, with the support of SBI Group, will be in charge of developing the matching engine.
By the first quarter of 2023, it is expected that the trading platform will be fully operational, with trading volume projected to exceed US$100 million per day in the first year.
More information on the collaboration of PhillipCapital and SBI on stock trading:
PhillipCapital, SBI Group collaborate on stock trading
PhillipCapital and Japan's SBI Group mount JV to offer US stock trading in Singapore time
PhillipCapital and Japan's SBI Group mount JV to offer US stock trading in Singapore time
PhillipCapital and SBI collaborate on trade matching platform for US equities in Asian time zone